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Publications > Reports (78)

Speaking Up: A human rights assessment of Uganda's draft school health policy

This report presents the findings of the assessment of the Uganda’s Draft School Health Policy. In 2018, the Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports, and Ministry of Health developed the Draft School Health Policy to ensure that health status and rights of school going children are respected and ...


In an effort to establish a robust Self Care Movement in Uganda, CEHURD conducted a stakeholder analysis and mapping aimed at identifying and prioritizing national and sub-national self-care implementers, influencers, and policy makers to inform coalition development as well as identify opportuni...

STATUS REPORT: Documentation of the Uganda Self-Care Implementation; The Journey and Achievements for the Past 3 Years

Uganda being one of the model countries for self-care, has had notable milestones, challenges and lessons that are worth documenting for the other countries to benchmark on for their own institutionalization. The purpose of this report is to document and highlight the journey ...

The Burden of Tobacco Use in Uganda

In Uganda, about 13,500 people die every year due to tobacco related illnesses

The burden of NCDs in Uganda

In 2010, NCDS killed 1,064,000 people in Uganda. 61% of deaths due to NCDs occur below the age of 70, It is estimated that for every 100,000 men in Uganda in 2010, 1,094 men died of NCDs, Of these deaths, 12% were due to cancer,15%were due to chronic respiratory diseases, 51% due to diabetes and ...

The Journey of Litigating Reproductive Justice Cases; Lessons from Uganda

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) has been a trailblazer in using litigation as a strategic tool to promote reproductive justice (RJ) in Uganda. It has actively engaged with courts and quasi-judicial bodies since its inception to advance the protection of the right to h...

The Kampala Declaration on Health, Human Rights and Development (UCHD)

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD), the Ministry of Health of Uganda, Makerere University School of Public Health, hosted the Inaugural Uganda National Conference on Health, Human Rights and Development (UCHD) at Mestil Hotel, Kampala-Uganda, between 27th to 29th of Sept...

The Legal And Policy Framework On Medical Abortion Self-Care In Uganda

With an aim of transforming public policy and legislation to create an enabling environment for medical abortion self-care as a key part of a supportive health system for abortion care, CEHURD has developed this paper with the aim of building on the wealth of knowledge and resource materials on ...

The Legal Empowerment and Social Accountability (LESA Action) Baseline Report

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) with support from the Office of the prime Minister under the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) action, which is funded by the European Union conducted a baseline study which aimed at collecting initial data on project in...

The Role of the Media in Tobacco Control Advocacy

The role of media is to raise issues, to put decision makers to task to explain the issues.

Tobacco and NCDs

Tobacco use is an important modifiable risk factor common to all major NCDs, causing over 16 percent of all NCD deaths. Approximately 5.4 million people die each year due to tobacco and this is expected to rise to over 8 million by the year 2030.

Tracking The Progress And Implications Of The Global Financing Facility (In This Case Results - Based Financing) In The Healthcare Sector In Uganda

This study was commissioned by the Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD), a not-for-profit research and advocacy organization in collaboration with the Uganda Debt Network (UDN) and Wemos. The core objective was to study the progress of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) in...

Understanding advocacy and engagement in NCDs and Tobacco Control Advocacy

Tobacco is the only legally available consumer product which kills people when it is used entirely as intended. Tobacco is rated the world’s leading killer; causes cancers of the throat, lungs, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, intestines, cervix and bladder.

Utilising Flexibilities In The TRIPs Agreement January 2019 To Advance Access To Medicine In Kenya And Uganda

The Center for Health, Human rights and Development(CEHURD) in partnership with Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS (KELIN) and Aidsfonds conducted a study on the "Utili...

Why Work in a Coalition?

Ms. Joy Asasira shares her Experiences, achievements, and challenges working and coordinating a national Coalition and why it is important for CSO working on NCDs & Tobacco to explore the same.