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Publications > Reports (78)

Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU)/LESA - Project Baseline Report

Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) and Partners in Community Transformation (PICOT) are implementing a project titled, “Integrating Legal Empowerment and Social Accountability for improved local <...

Effects of Tobacco on HIV Affected communities

It has been established that exposure to tobacco through smoking is associated with poorer outcomes in HIV-associated opportunistic infections, of which TB is the commonest. The incidence rates of TB have risen rapidly as a result of the HIV epidemic. Evidence further indicates that smokers are a...

Facing Uganda's Law on Abortion: Experiences of women and service providers

Uganda’s law on abortion prohibits several acts and omissions relating to abortion and sets out to punish women and health workers who perform any of the prohibited acts. And yet it should also be noted that every woman has a right to make decisions relating to her reproductive health and this de...


Maternal mortality continues to be a formidable factor in the realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in Uganda. Indeed 343 women out of every 100,000 women die from preventable pregnancy-related complications each year and many more suffer serious and often permanent d...

From Beijing to Paris: An assessment of Uganda’s commitments at Generation Equality Forum and the future of bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights

Gender inequality is one of the most pressing global barriers to social and economic progress and the fulfilment of human rights. It is deeply embedded in the social, cultural, religious and other institutions, policies and legislation. Despite progress in some areas, nearly 40% of the world’s...

GFF Uganda - CEHURD - Participation

This report presents findings from a scoping assessment of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) as a development funding model and Uganda’s readiness to implement the project. The GFF model uses a hybrid funding approach tha...

Human Rights Implications of Inadequate Contraceptive Access and Use in Uganda

Family planning services and contraceptives are critical in the prevention of unintended pregnancies, miscarriages, unsafe abortions and maternal deaths. Hence, they improve the health of women and the overall well-being of families. Over time, there has been commendable effort from Government...

IDRC Project - First Progress Report

This project aims to identify, in two sites, one in South Africa and one in Uganda, opportunities for best practice in utilising community participation as a vehicle for realising health rights. The focus on developing models for community participation in health is intended to speak to strategie...

IDRC Project - Second Progress Report

This project aims to identify, in two sites, one in South Africa and one in Uganda, opportunities for best practice in utilising community participation as a vehicle for realising health rights. The focus on developing models for community participation in health is intended to speak to strategie...

In access: Monitoring Access to Maternal Health Commodities in Uganda

At 435 deaths per 100,000 live births, an estimated 6,000 women die from giving birth every year (Ministry of finance 2011). This report summarises trends in availability of Key maternal health commodities at selected public health facilities in Uganda.

Institutional Policy on Copyright as a Tool for Copyright Reform in Uganda

At the September meeting of the Vice Chancellors' Forum in Fort Portal, it was resolved that "copyright reform and the evolution of open institutional IP policies should be on the agenda for their next meeting in December at Uganda Christian University." The Consortium of Ugandan University Libra...

Integration of the Human Rights Based Approach into healthcare delivery in selected health facilities in Uganda

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD), part- nered with the Uganda National Commission for UNESCO to undertake an assessment on the application of the HRBA principles in the delivery of health care in 40 selected public and private not for profit facilities in central and n...

Is Uganda ready to deal with the burden of Non-Communicable diseases?

NCDs particularly; cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers, as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are becoming increasingly important as causes of morbidity and mortality in the Ugandan population. Uganda has one of the youngest populations in the world, with over 69% of the popula...

Joint UN Expert Technical Opinion on Maternal Health and he Right to Health in The Matter of Constitutional Petition No. 16 Of 2011

WHO Country Office, Uganda, was contacted by the Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) on 13th April 2011 requesting for a WHO technical opinion on areas of maternal mortality and right to health in respect of the Constitutional Petition No. 16 of 2011 filed by four petitioners...


CEHURD actively supported the NEAPACOH 2023 process, which was hosted in Kampala, Uganda by the Parliamentary Health Committee, government, and other partners. The conference, themed "Achieving #UHC and #SDGs in the post-COVID era: The role of Parliamentarians," brought together parliamentarians,...

Legal and Human Rights Analysis of the Public Health (Amendment) Bill, 2021

On the 11th of march 2022, CEHURD appeared before the health committee of parliament and presented an analysis of the Public Health (amendment) Bill, 2021. The analysis called on parliament to pass a public health law that balances between contemporary public health needs and Human Rights.


CEHURD determined the need to conduct a policy and legal frameworks mapping aimed at identifying laws, bills, policies, strategies and guidelines affecting self-care to identify opportunities and gaps that will inform advocacy for institutionalization of self-care in Uganda. The objective was to ...