By: Wasswa Paul

Many cases filed by the Center for Health, Human Rights and Development [CEHURD] seek to challenge violations and omissions that infringe on the realization of the Right to Health in Uganda. Classical examples of these cases include Constitutional Petition No. 16 of 2011 [CEHURD and others vs. Attorney General that sought to challenge the lack of access to essential maternal health care services that killed pregnant women and babies and Civil Suit No. 111 of 2012 [CEHURD and others vs. Nakaseke District Local Government and others] that was filed by CEHURD on behalf of a pregnant woman who died in a hospital while awaiting obstetric care.

Whereas these cases are precedent setting in Uganda, achieving a successful outcome in litigation often requires a great deal of preparation. One of the tools CEHURD has continuously used to achieve a successful outcome in Litigation through preparation is engaging in Internal Moots.

Internal Moots are held to assist the Advocates to further conceptualize and appreciate the facts of the cases pending in Uganda’s Courts of Law while connecting the facts to the Law and Evidence on record.

They also assist the Advocates to buttress on the arguments raised in the pleadings and to identify the gaps in the pleadings and evaluate the evidence raised in support of the pleadings.

It is through such Internal Moots that CEHURD continues to win its cases as it Advocates for Social Justice in Health

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