By Abenakyo Irene

A woman’s worth lies in her own care and though she goes beyond her limit in life, a woman is so strong inside because she sacrifices that one smile and always there for people she loves. Such a woman is a true woman of substance and deserve a big salute in life.

It’s therefore important that as empowered women we should always cling on for progress because we go through quite a lot and those experiences make us stronger and give us a way forward in life. And as a counseling specialist I really find it great knowing that many women are taking responsibility for their children needs like feeding, clothing and education even when their fathers are there but decided to be out their lives.

Sometimes it’s not easy for them but somehow they struggle and make it. I have got opportunity to interact with some people who were sorely taken care of by their mothers and believe me these children hail their mothers because they know it all , I mean the entire journey with their mother.

I therefore salute the single mothers who never called it quit in taking care of their children even when their fathers neglected them, the struggle therefore continues.

Happy women’s day

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