Violations of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the era of the Global Gag Rule and COVID-19 - CEHURD

Violations of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the era of the Global Gag Rule and COVID-19 - CEHURD

Filename Violations-of-SRHR-by-GGR-COVID-19.pdf
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Date added July 30, 2021
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Category Discussion Papers, General
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This paper has been produced as an institutional position paper and follows our ongoing research and advocacy on
the US Global Gag Rule and its effects on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in Uganda and the rest
of the Global South. The ideas represented here were developed in conversation with many of CEHURD’s partners
and coalitions, including members of CSMMUA, the Right Here Right Now (RHRN) platform, and the Get Up Speak
Out for youth rights (GUSO) programme partners. It further draws on research findings from a case study of the
impact of the Global Gag Rule on the provision and access to SRHR services provided by Marie Stopes, Uganda’s
largest provider of family planning services. The paper expounds on CEHURD’s rationale for advocating against the
controversial policy and is intended to inform the campaign for mitigating the long-term impacts of the harmful policy and as part of building a movement against the policy’s future return.

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