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Petition 16 Court ruling-30th October 2015

Petition 16 Court ruling-30th October 2015

Filename petition-16.pdf
filesize 21.78 MB
Version pdf
Date added November 3, 2015
Downloaded 1540 times
Category Cases
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In a case filed by the Center for health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD), Mr.InzikuValenti, and Ms. Rhoda Kukiriza against the government of Uganda, the petitioners sought remedies for non-provision of basic maternal health commodities in public health facilities in Uganda that led to death of their loved ones.

CEHURD and its co-petitioners argued that the public are affected by the non-provision of basic maternal health commodities in government health facilities, and that the imprudent and unethical behavior of health workers towards expectant mothers was unconstitutional and an abuse of poor women’s rights to access health services.