Presentation of Key Health Issues Important for NEAPACOH
The 14th session of the Network of African Parliamentary Committees of Health (NEAPACOH) took place in Kampala, Uganda on February 22 – 23, 2023. Following the meeting, various commitments were endorsed by delegates and members of the Parliamentary Committees.
In preparation for the upcoming 1...

Technical Policy Brief on Community Health Insurance Scheme
Uganda continues to grapple with high out-of-pocket expenditures and reliance on external financing for health care. In spite of over 20 years of advocacy for national health insurance law, Uganda has not passed a law to regulate public health insurance.
We have developed a technical policy br...

A briefing note; Taking stock of the Status of Maternal Health Status and Key Health Rights Issues in Uganda
The health of the population is a development issue.
The Uganda Vision 2040 identifies human capital development as a key driver of economic transformation through harnessing of the potential demographic dividend (DD).
The demographic dividend is defined as “an opportunity for economic grow...

A Technical Brief On The Role Of The Judiciary In Adjudicating Sexual And Reproductive Health And Rights Violations During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Inevitably, sexual and reproductive health rights were violated during the lockdown. According to a UNFPA document on teenage pregnancy in Uganda during and post Covid-19 lockdown, Eastern Uganda (Busoga) was
reported to have the highest reported cases with Luuka district alone reporting more th...