Publications > Policy Briefs (31)

Why Use Creative Commons Licences in Uganda

The Licences are key tools in enabling Uganda achieve universal access to knowledge goods such as access to information for health, education or literacy. This is because the producers of knowledge goods, who are mostly advanced economies, are increasingly expanding an intellectual property right...

Creative Commons Public Domain -Luganda Brief

Creative Commons (soma kuliyetivu komonizi) kitongole ekiri ku ddala ly’ensi yonna ekyobwanakyewa ekyewaayo mubumaliririvu okutumbula okumanyisibwa okuyitira kumitimbagano gy’ebyuma bikalimagezi okutali kusasulire, okuwagira okukozeseza, awamu n’enkola eyokugabana ewatali bukwakkulizo amagezi ...

Creative Commons Luganda Translations -Six Licences

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization founded in the United States of America to enable people to share and give permission for use of their creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.

Regulation of tobacco use in Uganda

The Tobacco Control Bill 2012 has been introduced in Parliament as a private members Bill “to protect people in both the present and future from the devastating health, social, economic and environmental consequences of exposure to tobacco smoke”. Basing on an assessment of tobacco exposure in a...

Influencing copyright law reform and promoting creative commons initiatives among library societies in Uganda

Because Uganda In April 1994 signed the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Uganda is required to ensure that her laws and regulations are brought to conform to the Member States’ obligations under the Agreement.

The Parliamentary Motion on Maternal Health 15th December 2011

On 15 December 2011, the Parliament of Uganda adopted a landmark motion urging Government to address the country’s alarming rate of maternal deaths and, among other things, consider compensating the families of victims.

Human rights implications of load-shedding health facilities

Electricity is an essential service for personal and household use but more so for use at such public facilities as hospitals. Interrupting electricity supply through improper procedures, particularly through unannounced or unexpected load-shedding, poses a direct risk to the lives of patients wh...

Protection & Access

Uganda’s Industrial Property Bill (2009) needs to be reviewed before it is enacted into law, to make full and maximum use of the flexibilities available in the TRIPS Agreement in order to guarantee public health, particularly access to essential medicines, for all Ugandans

Rethinking the role of intellectual property policy in the HIV response in the East Africa Community

Provisions of the Draft Regional Intellectual Property Policy and Protocol on TRIPS Flexibilities and Public Health should be used to improve the anti-counterfeiting legislations being developed by the East African Community (EAC) and its member states. This will, among other things, contribut...

Constitutional provisions for the right to health in east and southern Africa

The extent to which health rights are neglected or promoted is a major factor in the promotion of health equity in Africa. Central to this is the incorporation of the right to health in the national Constitution, as the supreme law of the country. Including the right to health as a constitutio...

Anti-counterfeiting laws and access to essential medicines in East and Southern Africa

The countries in eastern and southern Africa and the East African Community are at various stages of enacting laws to address counterfeiting. Counterfeiting is a problem for public health if counterfeit medicines lack the active ingredients that make them effective, or if they are harmful. Yet...