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Publications > Laws (21)

Legal and Policy Mapping for Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence in Uganda

“No one should continue to suffer or live with the belief that reaching out for help may not lead to freedom”

This analysis recognises the role the government has played in developing legal and policy frameworks to address GBV in Uganda. It also highlights the...

CASE RULING; CEHURD and Nakayima Fatumah V. The Executive Director, Mulago National Referral Hospital and Attorney General Misc Cause No. 327 of 2016.

The Civil Division of the High Court of Uganda delivered a positive ruling in the case of CEHURD and Nakayima Fatumah V. The Executive Director, Mulago National Referral Hospital and Attorney General Miscellaneous Cause No. 327 of 2016.
The background of ...

The Eastern And Southern Africa Ministerial Commitment (2021-2030): A Legal Analysis

CEHURD in collaboration with Planned Parenthood Global and UNESCO commissioned a legal analysis of the 2021-2030 Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Ministerial Commitment on education, health and well-being of adolescents and young people. The analysis was undertaken i...

COURT RULING; Miscellaneous Cause No. 185 of 2022

In the case of Center for Health, Human Rights, and Development (CEHURD), Mugerwa Raymond and Sentongo Robert Versus Jaro Hospital Limited and Odongo James (Miscellaneous Cause No. 185 of 2022), where Mugerwa Raymond a 14-year-old was unlawfully and illegally detained over nonpayment of hospital ...

Ruling - Constitutional Application No. 26 of 2018 (SGBV Application)

This morning, we received a positive ruling in Constitutional Application No. 26 of 2018; Brief Background In 2018, CEHURD, Nnamala Mary & Kakeeto Simon filed Consitutional Application No. 26 of 2018 against the Attorney General seeking an order from Court to red...

SYNTHESISING LESSONS AND BEST PRACTICES: Achieving Progress On Abortion Laws, Policies And Practice in Selected African Countries

The main objective of the paper is to explore progressive developments in abortion law, policy and practice reforms in selected countries in the African region to identify best practices as well as drawing lessons for Uganda. The selected countries are: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda ...


CEHURD determined the need to conduct a policy and legal frameworks mapping aimed at identifying laws, bills, policies, strategies and guidelines affecting self-care to identify opportunities and gaps that will inform advocacy for institutionalization of self-care in Uganda. The objective was to ...

Proposals For Legal Reform And Review On The Right To Health and SRHR

Uganda does not have a law that comprehensively incorporates the Right to Health, although certain Constitutional provisions can be construed as directly or indirectly, protecting the people’s right to health. Cognizant of the fact that the National Objectives and Directive Principles of Stat...

Proposed Amendments On The Sexual Offences Bill 2019

Sexual offences are a daily occurrence within communities and these have largely become a public health and human rights concern not only for Uganda but also around the globe. The high prevalence of sexual offences has been consistently documented in the annual police crime reports. For instance ...

Parliamentary Policy Brief: A Right to Health Analysis of Uganda's National Health Insurance Scheme Bill

This Parliamentary Policy Brief provides a right to health analysis of the Government of Uganda’s proposed National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) Bill No. 27 of 2019. The brief is based on an analysis of the provisions of the bill and measures these against the binding and authoritative standard...

Uganda's Industrial Property Act,2014

An Act to provide for the promotion of inventive and innovative activities, to facilitate the acquisition of technology through the grant and regulation of patents, utility models, industrial designs and technovations and to provide for the designation of a registrar, to provide for the functions...

Model Provisions to Promote access to affordable medicines in the Industrial Property Bill 2009

Uganda’s Industrial Property Bill of 2009, is TRIPS-plus. This extensive protection, coupled with the failure to utilise the flexibilities that the TRIPS Agreement offers LDCs, has negative implications for access to affordable medicines by Ugandans. This booklet highlights, clause-by-clause, som...

Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995.

CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA, 1995. Commencement: 8 October, 1995. The Preamble. WE THE PEOPLE OF UGANDA: RECALLING our history which has been characterised by political and constitutional instability; RECOGNISING our struggles against the forces of tyranny, oppression and exploit...

The Public Health Act

An Act to consolidate the law regarding the preservation of public health.

The Mental Treatment Act

Commencement: 31 August, 1938. An Act to make provision for the care of persons of unsound mind and for the management of mental hospitals in Uganda.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act

An Act to consolidate, harmonize and update the law relating to occupational safety and health; to repeal the Factories Act, Cap 220 and to provide for connected matters

The Nurses and Midwives Act

Commencement: 8 November, 1996. An Act to provide for the training, registration enrollment and discipline of nurses and midwives of all categories and for other matters connected to the above.

The Medical and Dental Practitioners Act

Commencement: 30 January, 1998. An Act to consolidate the law relating to the medical and dental practice and for other connected purposes.