Publications > General (142)

SYNTHESISING LESSONS AND BEST PRACTICES: Achieving Progress On Abortion Laws, Policies And Practice in Selected African Countries

The main objective of the paper is to explore progressive developments in abortion law, policy and practice reforms in selected countries in the African region to identify best practices as well as drawing lessons for Uganda. The selected countries are: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda ...

Demystifying Misconceptions On The East Africa Community Sexual And Reproductive Health Bill, 2021

Whereas the East African Community Sexual and Reproductive Health Bill, 2021 has noble objectives, it continues to come under attack from some sections based on myths, ignorance and outright propagation of falsehoods. With a lot of misinformation being propagated about the EAC SRH Bill, it is imp...

Reference Guide on Legal Considerations for Clinical Decision Making when a Pregnancy Places a Woman’s Life at Risk

Most countries have criminal laws against voluntary abortion and regulate access to it, with exceptions for certain circumstances. These are referred to as “exceptions, grounds or indications.” However, despite these exceptions, it is often difficult for people to legally access termination of...

Position paper on the legal implications of the guidelines for clinical decision making when pregnancy places a woman’s life at risk

Abortion in Uganda is largely restricted and only permitted for the preservation of a woman’s life. Uganda also has criminal sanctions within the Penal Code Act, Cap 120 which criminalizes the supply of abortifacients, as well as assisting a woman to have an abortion and the woman conducting the ...

STATEMENT; Women's Health Matters Campaign

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, June 10th, 2022 In commemoration of the International Day of Action for Women's Health KAMPALA. Today the Civil Society Organizations in Uganda led by CEHURD join the world to commemorate the International Day of Action for ...

Case Brief: Uganda V Kato Frederick Criminal Case 56 of 2020

Representing Doctor caught up in the Justice System for Provision of Post-Abortion Care In April 2020, the accused was arrested for allegedly committing the offence of Supply of Drugs to procure abortion contrary to Section 143 of the Penal Code Act, Cap. 120 of the Laws of Ug...

CSMMUA Public Statement on Roe V. Wade Ruling

While US Supreme Court Ruling Infringes on Women's Rights and Freedoms, Uganda's Drive to Increase Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Will Not Be Broken
The Coalition to Stop Maternal Mortality Due to Unsafe Abortion in Uganda (CSMMUA) passionately believes that no...

2021 CEHURD Annual Report

Welcome to the FY2021 edition of our annual report, themed “Smooth Leadership Transition is Possible in African NGOs.” The year will remain a historical one for the Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) as we experienced great milestones and major institutional changes amidst t...

Legal and Human Rights Analysis of the Public Health (Amendment) Bill, 2021

On the 11th of march 2022, CEHURD appeared before the health committee of parliament and presented an analysis of the Public Health (amendment) Bill, 2021. The analysis called on parliament to pass a public health law that balances between contemporary public health needs and Human Rights.

Civil Society Organisations' Position Paper on the Health Sub-Programme in Response to the National Budget Framework Paper Financial Year 2022/23

This position paper presents findings from a rapid assessment and monitoring of health facilities conducted by Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) and her partners in the districts of Arua, Mityana and Mayuge. The findings were triangulated by available documentary evidence. ...

Court Judgement in the Autism Case -Perez Mwase: (CEHURD and Ors Vs Buyende District Local Government and Anor)

Background: In 2016 during one of the community outreaches conducted by the Center for Health Human Rights and Developed (CEHURD), the team came across a minor aged 12 years who hadn’t been growing normally since the age of 4 and whose condition hadn’t been established despite...

Call For Expression Of Interest For A Short-Term Consultancy Service To Conduct A Mapping And Capacity Assessment For Civil Society Organizations On Governance And Accountability In Koboko And Maracha Districts

The Center for Health, Human Rights, and Development (CEHURD), with support from the European Union through the Office of the Prime Minister under the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) Action, is seeking for a consultant to conduct a mapping and assessment of the local CSOs / CBOs...

Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Advocacy Fact sheet on Health Rights

Download the Fact sheet for the Third cycle of the fortieth session of the Universal Periodic Review on human rights council under the theme ''Right To The Highest Attainable Standard Of Physical And Mental Health In Uganda'' compiled by the Center for Health, Human Righ...

Consensus Statement On Key Health Issues To Be Addressed By The Parliamentary Health Committee In The 11th Parliament Of Uganda

Between 22nd and 24th of October, Center for Health, Human Rights and Development convened an orientation for the new committee of Health of the Parliament of Uganda. As an outcome of this orientation retreat, a consensus statement was developed, discussed, agreed upon and signed. The consensu...

Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) Report for the DINU-LESA Project

CEHURD was selected among the grantees to undergo a ROM process by an expert hired by EU. A ROM review is an external and impartial assessment of an ongoing intervention, aimed at enhancing results-based management. The ROM consultant used a standard methodology, t...

Tracking The Progress And Implications Of The Global Financing Facility (In This Case Results - Based Financing) In The Healthcare Sector In Uganda

This study was commissioned by the Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD), a not-for-profit research and advocacy organization in collaboration with the Uganda Debt Network (UDN) and Wemos. The core objective was to study the progress of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) in...

Operationalization Of The Opera Framework In Advancing The Right To Health In Uganda

The OPERA Framework, developed by the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR), has previously been lauded as a unique and adaptable monitoring and accountability tool suitable for tracking government’s fulfillment of economic, social and cultural rights. The framework invites right to heal...


Self-care is the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider. The goal of the Self care Trailblazer Group (SCTG) Advocacy...


CEHURD determined the need to conduct a policy and legal frameworks mapping aimed at identifying laws, bills, policies, strategies and guidelines affecting self-care to identify opportunities and gaps that will inform advocacy for institutionalization of self-care in Uganda. The objective was to ...