Publications > Fact sheets (5)

Training guide on the Harm Reduction Model and Abortion Self-care

With support from International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), CEHURD has developed a training manual/guide to provide a step-by-step, hands-on guide to the training of health service providers in using the abortion Harm Reduction Model and medical abortion self-care. The training guide a...

A briefing note; Taking stock of the Status of Maternal Health Status and Key Health Rights Issues in Uganda

The health of the population is a development issue. The Uganda Vision 2040 identifies human capital development as a key driver of economic transformation through harnessing of the potential demographic dividend (DD). The demographic dividend is defined as “an opportunity for economic grow...

Demystifying Misconceptions On The East Africa Community Sexual And Reproductive Health Bill, 2021

Whereas the East African Community Sexual and Reproductive Health Bill, 2021 has noble objectives, it continues to come under attack from some sections based on myths, ignorance and outright propagation of falsehoods. With a lot of misinformation being propagated about the EAC SRH Bill, it is imp...

Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Advocacy Fact sheet on Health Rights

Download the Fact sheet for the Third cycle of the fortieth session of the Universal Periodic Review on human rights council under the theme ''Right To The Highest Attainable Standard Of Physical And Mental Health In Uganda'' compiled by the Center for Health, Human Righ...

The Global Financing Facility in Uganda A brief summary 2020 update

This factsheet CEHURD and Wemos focuses on the Global Financing Facility (GFF) in Uganda. This updated version includes the GFF’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  It also includes the information in the