CASE RULING; CEHURD and Nakayima Fatumah V. The Executive Director, Mulago National Referral Hospital and Attorney General Misc Cause No. 327 of 2016.
The Civil Division of the High Court of Uganda delivered a positive ruling in the case of CEHURD and Nakayima Fatumah V. The Executive Director, Mulago National Referral Hospital and Attorney General Miscellaneous Cause No. 327 of 2016.
The background of ...

The Journey of Litigating Reproductive Justice Cases; Lessons from Uganda
The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) has been a trailblazer in using litigation as a strategic tool to promote reproductive justice (RJ) in Uganda. It has actively engaged with courts and quasi-judicial bodies since its inception to advance the protection of the right to h...

Landmark Anti-HIV Stigma and Discrimination Case Advances In Uganda’s Equal Opportunities Commission
Here is the Judgement on HIV/AIDS Stigma in the case of CEHURD V PASTOR SSEMPA - HIV STIGMA CASE from the Equal Opportunities Commission Tribunal vide...

COURT RULING; Miscellaneous Cause No. 185 of 2022
In the case of Center for Health, Human Rights, and Development (CEHURD), Mugerwa Raymond and Sentongo Robert Versus Jaro Hospital Limited and Odongo James (Miscellaneous Cause No. 185 of 2022), where Mugerwa Raymond a 14-year-old was unlawfully and illegally detained over nonpayment of hospital ...

Ruling - Constitutional Application No. 26 of 2018 (SGBV Application)
This morning, we received a positive ruling in Constitutional Application No. 26 of 2018;
Brief Background
In 2018, CEHURD, Nnamala Mary & Kakeeto Simon filed Consitutional Application No. 26 of 2018 against the Attorney General seeking an order from Court to red...

Case Brief: Uganda V Kato Frederick Criminal Case 56 of 2020
Representing Doctor caught up in the Justice System for Provision of Post-Abortion Care
In April 2020, the accused was arrested for allegedly committing the offence of Supply of Drugs to procure abortion contrary to Section 143 of the Penal Code Act, Cap. 120 of the Laws of Ug...

Court Judgement in the Autism Case -Perez Mwase: (CEHURD and Ors Vs Buyende District Local Government and Anor)
In 2016 during one of the community outreaches conducted by the Center for Health Human Rights and Developed (CEHURD), the team came across a minor aged 12 years who hadn’t been growing normally since the age of 4 and whose condition hadn’t been established despite...

Court Ruling in the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Case
Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) with joy welcomes the long-awaited ruling from the High Court of Uganda at Kampala in the case of CEHURD vs. Attorney General & Family Life Network [Miscellaneous Cause No. 309 of 2016], usually referred to as the Comprehensive...

Court Order On Regulation of COVID-19 Treatment Costs
''Health is a social right the should not be left in the hands of service providers'' -Mr Mulumba Moses, Executive Director-CEHURD.
On 8th July, the High Court heard the case of Mulumba Moses & Center for Health Human Rights and
Development (CEHURD) vs Attorney General, The Medical and De...

CEHURD's Statement; In Victory for Health Rights, Uganda’s High Court Orders Government to Regulate COVID-19 Treatment Costs
Thursday, July 8th, 2021

Case Digest and Strategy Paper; Petition 16
On 19th August 20...

Decree for the Constitutional Petition No. 16 of 2011
On 19th August 2020, the Justices of the Constitutional Court delivered a judgement in favour of the Petitioners in the matter of Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) and 3 Others Vs Attorney General, Constitutional Petition No.16 of 2011. The Justices unanimously agreed on al...

CEHURD has registered very exciting news in the history of health and human rights in Uganda!
After a long nine years of waiting, we have finally received the judgement in the famous Petition 16 maternal health case this morning of 19...

Litigating Tobacco Control in Uganda: Implications of British American Tobacco LTD Vs Attorney General and CEHURD
Uganda enacted the Tobacco Control Act (hereinafter called “the TCA”) in 2015 as part of fulfilment of Uganda’s obligations and commitment as a party to the World Health Organisation Framew...

Case Digest - Simplified Version: Challenging Mulago Hospital on Newborn Care and Management
This is a simplified version of the brief on the groundbreaking Mulago case1 in which Jennifer Musiimenta and her husband Michael Mubangizi – together with Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) – took Mulago National Referral Hospital to court after the mysterious disappearance...

Implications of the Mulago judgment on policy and administration of Mulago Hospital
This is a brief of the groundbreaking Mulago case in which Jennifer Musiimenta and her husband Michael Mubangizi – together with Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) – sued Mulago National Referral Hospital after the mysterious disappearance of the couple’s baby in the hospita...

JUDGEMENT: Petition 46 of 2016
British American Tobacco Vs. Attorney General and CEHURD.

CEHURD Seclusion case judgment.
The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) 0n 8th April 2018 joined other Civil Society Organisations working with People with Disabilities as well as the Uganda Medical Association to condemn a Judgment by the High Court of Uganda which declared the practice of torturing mental...

JUDGEMENT: Civil suit No. 212 of 2013 - CEHURD Vs. Mulago Hospital
This is the judgment in civil suit No. 212 of 2013. The 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs are a lay Ugandan couple and the 1st Plaintiff is a Non-Governmental Organisation working on health and other human rights awareness and enforcement. This action is brought against the 2nd Defendant in representative c...

CEHURD Court Cases by 2016
The strategic litigation program is a pertinent program at CEHURD in as far as it uses the tool of litigation in promoting social justice in health in Uganda, East Africa and Africa at large. Litigation at CEHURD is done strategically to impact the health system in Uganda through public interest ...