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Publications > Case Studies (4)

A Synthesis of the Best Four Case Studies on the Emerging Issues of Governance and Social Accountability in Health during Covid-19 within Eastern and Southern Africa Countries

The outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) is not only a public health emergency causing loss of life and human suffering; it also poses a major threat to the global economy and extraordinarily impacts the social-economic lives of humanity. Health systems in both high and low-income countries have st...

COVID -19 AND SEXUAL-GENDER BASED VIOLENCE IN UGANDA: An assessment of cases reported during the pandemic in various districts

One of the major challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic is an increase in sexual and gender-based violence, which widely affects mostly girls and women. Before the pandemic, UN Women reported that 1 in 3 women had experienced physical and sexual violence. This number is expected to be ...

National Study on Men, Masculinities and the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Realisation in Uganda

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) undertook a national study covering 10 districts of Kampala, Wakiso, Buikwe, Lira, Mbarara, Isingiro, Gulu, Kamuli, Arua, and Mbale on the influence of masculinities on the realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Uga...

SYNTHESISING LESSONS AND BEST PRACTICES: Achieving Progress On Abortion Laws, Policies And Practice in Selected African Countries

The main objective of the paper is to explore progressive developments in abortion law, policy and practice reforms in selected countries in the African region to identify best practices as well as drawing lessons for Uganda. The selected countries are: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda ...