cehurdToday Uganda commemorates Safe Motherhood day. The day is commemorated under the theme “Expand opportunities for adolescent health services, End Maternal Mortality.”
As the country celebrates this day, Ministry of health still reports  the Maternal Mortality Ration as 343 per 100,000 live births and the infant mortality rate  estimated to be 54 per 1000 live births. These numbers are rather still to high.

In line with the Sustainable Development Gial 3: The Center for Health Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) together with civil society Organizations in Uganda are advocating for a reduction of maternal mortality in the country. The teams call upon the government of Uganda to fulfill its statutory obligation by providing basic maternal health services to Ugandan women. These services  include; prenatal care services, skilled medical officers health facilities at provision of Emergency Obstetric Care and postpartum care

As we celebrate this day, CEHURD mourns all expectant mothers that due every day while giving birth to life. It’s such a pain to loose 16 women everyday an equivalent Of a mini bus crushing in Uganda everyday.
We call upon the judiciary to experdite the process of hearing Constitutional Petition No. 16 of 2011, a landmark maternal health case and call upon all stakeholders to join us in sensitizing the women including the youth and adolescents  about their right to receive and impart accurate  sexual reproductive health information and empower them to make informed decisions and delay pregnancy. #SafeMothersUg

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