MEPs finally reject ACTA copyright treaty

By Stewart Mitchell

The European Parliament has rejected the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), drawing a line under a proposed law that has caused bitter debate for years.

ACTA started life behind closed doors as global rights holders and politicians looked to address intellectual property issues online.

European regulators held a key hand in the process, effectively signing – or not signing – on behalf of member states. Today MEPs voted overwhelmingly against the agreement, 478 to 39.

“This is a major victory for citizens and organisations who worked hard for years,” said campaign group La Quadrature du Net in a statement. “On the ruins of ACTA, we must now build a positive copyright reform, taking into account our rights instead of attacking them.

“The ACTA victory must resonate as a wake up call for lawmakers – fundamental freedoms as well as the free and open internet must prevail over private interests.”
Read more: MEPs finally reject ACTA copyright treaty | News | PC Pro

WHO Report Details Accountability In Director Chan’s First Term

By William New, Intellectual Property Watch

World Health Organization Director General Margaret Chan was re-elected for another term at the annual May World Health Assembly. Now the WHO has issued a “report card” showing how she kept her promises during the first term. This includes a range of steps to ensure new drugs are affordable and accessible, even if intellectual property rights make them high-priced and hard to get.

The commitment the WHO took on was to: “Ensure that interventions, including new drugs, that arise from these initiatives are affordable and accessible to those in need.”

In response, it listed various activities and initiatives that member states have taken in the past couple of years, including adoption of the Global Strategy and Plan of Action for Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property.

“The Global Strategy set out the framework, and laid the groundwork, for multiple ways to improve access to essential products,” it said.

WHO specified the effectiveness of its work in helping developing countries use the built-in flexibilities in the World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) for public health purposes.

“Moral pressure on industry, also using flexibilities in the TRIPS agreement, contributed to dramatic reductions in the price of antiretroviral therapy, with the annual costs of treatment dropping, within a decade, from $30,000 to $200,” it said.

The report also mentioned ways in which “WHO endorsement of new products can likewise stimulate dramatic price reductions for developing countries.”

And it mentioned several key vaccine-related initiatives, including one on meningitis that meant that “For once, the best technology that the world, working together, can offer was introduced in Africa.”

Other areas mentioned include financing of research and development of products for neglected diseases, affordable medicines against noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), and a framework to ensure fairness in fighting pandemic influenza.

“In May 2012, the World Health Assembly approved a way forward for exploring innovative ways of financing R&D to produce new products for neglected diseases of the poor,” it said.

On NCDs, it said: “The relentless rise of chronic noncommunicable diseases, especially in the developing world, is certain to create new challenges for access to affordable medicines. While many essential medicines for managing these chronic conditions are off-patent and available in low-cost generic form, the millions of people now affected, and the duration of needed treatment, take these products beyond the reach of health budgets in most developing countries.”

Additional areas of work described in the report are help to engender local R&D in developing countries such as in Africa, and WHO’s role and relationship with other organisations.

There is some mention of the inability to complete work due to funding shortages. Furthermore, one area of shortcoming was in the mandate to “integrate WHO activities across the health research spectrum to promote health and to prevent and control disease.”

“In May 2010, the Health Assembly approved a WHO strategy on research for health. However, this commitment has not been fully met,” it said. “In 2013, the World Health Report will be devoted to health research, with a particular focus on research that improves access to essential medicines and services and supports the goal of reaching universal health coverage.”

The WHO report is available here [pdf].

William New may be reached at

Unqualified doctors operate on patients

By Sampaul Nakhaima and Pascal Kwesiga

Most of the surgical procedures in hospitals and health centres across the country are performed by health workers who are not surgeons, a new study has revealed.

A study conducted by researchers from the College of Health Sciences of Makerere University has disclosed that there are only 200 surgeons out of the 2,105 registered doctors in the country. This, he said, means there is only one surgeon for every 400,000 Ugandans.

An associate professor of anatomy (structure of the human being), Sam Luboga, who led the study said yesterday that crucial surgical operations continue to be conducted by nonsurgeon physicians and non-physician clinicians in general hospitals and health centre IVs.

Luboga was launching a programme that will see surgeons from the college give necessary surgical skills to general doctors in the country’s hospitals and health centres. He said some of the surgical theatres are redundant at the hospitals.

He blamed the high maternal mortality rate, high fatality rate from injuries and other surgical emergencies, high prevalence of surgical preventable disabilities, unnecessary referrals to regional and national referral hospitals, heavy surgical work load and limited access to lifesaving surgical services to shortage of surgeons.

For one to become a surgeon, they must have pursued a master’s degree in surgery for three to five years after an undergraduate degree in medicine.

Luboga who said surgeons are concentrated in urban areas attributed the shortage to brain drain as a result of low remuneration in Uganda, long training periods and few institutions offering the specialised training.

Luboga noted that the project will improve the access to quality surgical services, reduce mortality rate and disability attributed to surgically treatable conditions.
The college students also announced a plan to start offering free screening services to young women for cervical and breast cancers.


MPs want sh400m for nodding disease research accounted for

By Moses Walubiri Legislators on a select committee instituted to carry out an onspot check on areas affected by nodding disease have ordered ministry of health (MoH) to account for sh400 earmarked for research into the causes of the debilitating syndrome.

This comes on the heels of a field visit by MPs to the districts of Gulu, Kitgum, Lamwo and Pader, which showed that the said research has not been carried out.

While interfacing with MPs from the areas affected by the disease through their umbrella body, the Acholi Parliamentary Group on Tuesday, the chairman of the select committee Medard Bitekyerezo said “the ministry had lied to Parliament about the research funds.”

“We have just completed an onspot visit to all the affected districts, but no research has been carried out, yet money was earmarked for this activity.  We have summoned MoH to account for this money,” Bitekyerezo said.

The sh400m research fund was part of a holistic government response to stem increasing cases of nodding disease in the Acholi sub-region, tabled before parliament in May  by Dr. Richard Nduhura, state Minister of Health (General Duties).

Other interventions include establishment of treatment centers and provision of fortified food supplements to children afflicted by the disease.

Need answers

Meanwhile, MPs Tuesday clashed over the causes of nodding disease as they demanded for expeditious research into the causes of the disease.

The MPs, especially from Acholi said uncertainty over the true cause of the disease has spawned anxiety and conjecture, thus giving way to superstitions.

This, they noted, has seen witch doctors take advantage of desperate parents to fleece them.

“The witch doctors are making a kill over the disease because little is known about its cause. In Amuru, a witch doctor was arrested after 15 children afflicted with nodding disease were found at his shrine,” Gilbert Olanya (Kilak County) said.

Some parents, MPs said, have abandoned nodding children thinking that the disease is either contagious or caused by spirits.

Odonga Otto, however, refuted Olanya’s earlier submission that the disease could be linked to the protracted war in Northern Uganda, reproaching the remark as incendiary.

Otto also stridently rejected Alice Alaso’s submission that a report into the cause of the disease by the Center for Disease Control in the USA suggests a possible link to heavy metal poisoning. This normally occurs in war-prone areas.

“As leaders, we should be the last people to alarm people. This kind of remark can make people flee entire villages,” a visibly riled Otto said.

The Aruu County MP contends the disease is caused by malnutrition, especially chronic deficiency of Vitamin B6 that is key to brain development.

However, when contacted, the health ministry spokesperson, Lukia Nakamate, said a number of research protocols on nodding disease have already been commissioned by the national task force on nodding disease.

Nodding disease is characterized by head nodding, mental retardation, stunted growth, blindness, and wasting of the body.

Little is currently known about the cause, mode of transmission and treatment of the disease. However, area politicians have chided both government’s response, which they have deemed sluggish, and its failure to declare the affected region a disaster area.


Canadian NGO donates million dollar ARVS

By Paul Watala, Hebrews (Bayudaya) in Uganda have donated ARVS worth millions of dollars to fifteen government aided and private health centres in Mbale district.

The ARVS were on (Wednesday, June 27, 2012) handed over to the in charges of the fifteen health centres at Tobin health Centre in Namakwakwe a suburb of Mbale municipality.

The pharmaceuticals were handed over amidst joy and dancing from some of the HIV victims and health workers who had lost hope living for the next five or ten years.

“We have reason to dance and rejoice because the Hebrews have restored hope in us and the relatives of the people suffering from HIV. We have been moving for long distances to look for the drugs and sometimes we reach when they are out of stock,” Zulaika Naikote said.

She said that the recent information they have been receiving through different media houses that TASO had stopped giving drugs to their clients made them feel abandoned.

Gershom Wambede, the leader of Hebrews in Africa who solicited for the drugs from the Canadian friends of Pearl of Children while handing over the drugs appealed to health officers not to sale the medicine to their clients.

“These drugs are supposed to be given to the clients free of charge and we have set up a team that will monitor how the drugs are distributed. The culture in Uganda is that people only respect rich and forget the needy. Please let’s learn how to help each other when in need,” Wambede said.

“When you sell these drugs to the victims it means you are as bad as satan who needs to be punished by hell,” Gershom Wambedde said.

He said that many Ugandans are becoming potential victims to HIV every day, adding that this forced him to contact his friends in Canada to give help aiming at restoring hope to the people living with HIV/AIDS.

Gershom Wambedde also appealed to the ministry of health lobby to scrap off taxes from the drugs that are donated to come and save life.

“It is frustrating to overcharge donors who are aiming at saving lives of the needy Ugandans,” Gershom Wambedde said.

He said that in his village in Nabweyo in Bungokho north, records show that ten people came out openly and declared being HIV positive and yet the constituency has 100 villages meaning that about 1000 people are most likely to be affected and need help.

The Executive Director Canadian Friends of Pearl of Children, Deborah Rottenberg in her speech pledged to continue donating drugs, adding that she is working around the clock to see that condoms are delivered to save those who cannot stay without sex.

She said that they have set up teams that will be rendering services of counseling and testing in churches, mosques and other social centres.
