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CREATIVITY: The Next Generation Solution For Life Saving Medicines In Uganda

The celebration of World Intellectual Property day to day, provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the importance of intellectual property (IP) in the lives of ordinary Ugandans. Indeed flexible intellectual property laws and policies have increasingly become relevant in today’s discussions on access to essential commodities which are critical in an economy such as ours.

As this year’s theme [Creativity: The Next Generation] suggests, we need to highlight the importance of intellectual property policy, legal and institutional frameworks in ensuring an environment for creativity while at the same time addressing the potential of intellectual property to enhance the quality of the daily lives of the people of Uganda today and the generations to come.

The World Intellectual property day also offers us a chance to reflect on the opportunities provided by Articles 7 and 8 of the World Trade Organization’s Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) Agreement. Article 7 of this Agreement provides that the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights SHOULD contribute to the promotion of technological innovation and to the transfer and dissemination of technology in a manner conducive to social and economic welfare. On the other hand, Article 8 gives the countries liberty to adopt measures necessary to protect public health and nutrition, and to promote the public interest in sectors of vital importance to their socio-economic and technological development while formulating or amending their laws and regulations. This position was also re-affirmed in the 2001 Declaration at Doha that “the TRIPS Agreement DOES NOT and SHOULD NOT prevent Members from taking measures to protect public health.”

See full statement hereMEDICINES

Application process for 2013 fellowships now open

CEHURD (Center for Health, Human Rights and Development) invites journalists to apply for the 2013 intellectual property and human rights reporting fellowships. The fellowship is a one-year mentoring and capacity-building program for Ugandan journalists to report on issues cutting across intellectual property and human rights.

Purpose of the Fellowship Program

The CEHURD IP and Human Rights Media Fellowship Program aims to enhance the capacity of journalists in the mainstream media to appreciate the links between IP protection and social welfare, and the implications of the on going developments in the protection of IP rights at the different levels, and their implications for public health, access to educational materials, the right to food, and other human rights.

In 2013, the fellowship program will focus on:

  • The on going commercial law reform processes in Uganda and the East African region;
  • The on going dialogue around a possible extension to the transition period granted to LDCs to comply with the TRIPS Agreement; and
  • Alternative models for balancing the rights of IP owners and users, taking the case of the Creative Commons licenses and how it works for journalists and other information users;


Successful applicants will attend a- two-day residential orientation training, and will be supported to identify and undertake follow-up activities. Selected candidates will be paired with a supervisor at the media house they are attached to, and linked with experts in the fields of IP and human rights who will provide technical guidance to the candidate to investigate story ideas they identify. The successful candidates will also participate in field visits to key organizations involved in IP work. The follow-up activities will not require full time work and will be supported through small grants.


Interested applicants should:

  • be journalists working with or attached to mainstream mass media in Uganda, including national (or East Africa level) newspapers, radio, or television;
  • commit to be available for the training, field trips and other follow-up activities between February 2013- December 2013;
  • Journalists reporting on policy issues (e.g. covering Parliament), and those with editing roles will have added advantage.

Application process

Interested candidates should express their interest in writing to CEHURD by email to with a copy to Primah on

Applications should be sent by

Thursday 28th February 2013 and should be accompanied by the following:

  • A personal CV clearly showing qualifications, expertise and experience
  • brief information on the institution that they are attached to; their employment status and position; and any work they have done themselves related to trade, health, education or agriculture;
  • Confirmation that they are available for both the training workshop and the follow-up work.
  • Endorsement by the immediate supervisor/editor

Successful candidates will be notified by Thursday 7th March 2013. For details of this call please check here

Intellectual Property and Human Rights Media Fellowships

Application process for 2013 fellowships now open

CEHURD (Center for Health, Human Rights and Development) invites journalists to apply for the 2013 intellectual property and human rights reporting fellowships. The fellowship is a one-year mentoring and capacity-building program for Ugandan journalists to report on issues cutting across intellectual property and human rights.


Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, which include inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in trade. IP rights are, therefore, the entitlements given to owners of IP, in form of patents, copyrights and others. These rights give the creator or inventor (holder of IP right) the legal right to prevent others from benefiting from their idea except with their permission. This protection aims, in principle, to promote innovation and creativity.

On the other hand, human rights principles and mechanisms require that IP rules do not stifle access to essential goods for the welfare of society, particularly in least developing countries (LDCs) with relatively lower levels of innovation. LDCs such as Uganda, are struggling to conform to new global standards of IP protection as prescribed by the multilateral Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement).

Like other LDCs, Uganda is in the process of reforming the different commercial laws to align them with the TRIPS Agreement. As a result, the Copyright and Neighboring Rights Act, and the Trademark Act were enacted in 2006 and 2010, respectively. IP-related laws still in draft form include Industrial Properties Bill; Plant Variety Protection Bill; Trade Secrets Bill; Geographical Indications Bill; Competition Bill; and Counterfeit Goods Bill. Each of these laws and draft laws has serious implications for human rights in LDCs, including the very existence of their people.

At the same time, the coming of digital technology is increasingly making it difficult for owners of IP rights to restrict access to their ideas and innovations, and complicating the enforcement of IP laws. CEHURD and partners recently launched an initiative for open access to IP-protected work for public use. These “Creative Commons Licenses” are a unique scheme that balances the underlying principles of copyright laws with the reality of the Internet.

Purpose of the Fellowship Program

The CEHURD IP and Human Rights Media Fellowship Program aims to enhance the capacity of journalists in the mainstream media to appreciate the links between IP protection and social welfare, and the implications of the on going developments in the protection of IP rights at the different levels, and their implications for public health, access to educational materials, the right to food, and other human rights.

In 2013, the fellowship program will focus on:

  • The on going commercial law reform processes in Uganda and the East African region;
  • The on going dialogue around a possible extension to the transition period granted to LDCs to comply with the TRIPS Agreement; and
  • Alternative models for balancing the rights of IP owners and users, taking the case of the Creative Commons licenses and how it works for journalists and other information users;


Successful applicants will attend a- two-day residential orientation training, and will be supported to identify and undertake follow-up activities. Selected candidates will be paired with a supervisor at the media house they are attached to, and linked with experts in the fields of IP and human rights who will provide technical guidance to the candidate to investigate story ideas they identify. The successful candidates will also participate in field visits to key organizations involved in IP work. The follow-up activities will not require full time work and will be supported through small grants.


Interested applicants should:

  • be journalists working with or attached to mainstream mass media in Uganda, including national (or East Africa level) newspapers, radio, or television;
  • commit to be available for the training, field trips and other follow-up activities between February 2013- December 2013;
  • Journalists reporting on policy issues (e.g. covering Parliament), and those with editing roles will have added advantage.

Application process

Interested candidates should express their interest in writing to CEHURD by email to with a copy to Primah on

Applications should be sent by Thursday 28THFebruary 2013 and should be accompanied by the following:

  • A personal CV clearly showing qualifications, expertise and experience
  • brief information on the institution that they are attached to; their employment status and position; and any work they have done themselves related to trade, health, education or agriculture;
  • Confirmation that they are available for both the training workshop and the follow-up work.
  • Endorsement by the immediate supervisor/editor

Successful candidates will be notified by Thursday 7THMarch 2013. –Click here to down the call for applications poster

Doctors’ pay raise okay but we need to do more to boost sector service delivery

Media report that the government is to double the salaries of doctors is a positive response to the demand that has taken years. Previously, we had between 10 and 20 per cent increments after strikes by health workers. Therefore, the doubling of doctors’ pay should be the beginning of a wider response in the quest for effective healthcare services.

However, there is need to look beyond the salaries as some factors may still hinder effective service delivery. I have visited some health facilities in Kamwenge District where a health centre IV is the main health facility. Rukunyu Health Centre IV did not have a functional theatre until recently, courtesy of funding by PEPFAR. As a partner, PEPFAR operationalised the theatre by providing equipment. It also supports health workers in the district.

However, the health facility still lacks electricity despite the fact that the power lines cross the compound of the facility. Whatever salary doctors will be paid, a health facility such as Rukunyu, which lacks power, will still struggle to offer effective services. Without electricity, it is not possible to use the ultra sound machines used to ascertain the condition of the baby in the womb. Yet such investigation is necessary for a doctor to make critical decisions regarding the lives of the mother and the unborn baby. Even children born premature cannot receive adequate care because the incubators cannot work.

Refrigerators for storing essential medicines will not be operational hence medicines will rot and sterilizing theatre equipment, a must-do, cannot happen. We have heard stories of health workers improvising lamps or mobile phone to provide light in labour wards as they help mothers to deliver. But such a situation is neither desirable nor sustainable. Fears that the power bills may be high for the health facility to afford cannot be reason enough for not connecting power to it.

However, the bills may not compare with the amount of fuel for ambulance and associated costs that may be required to transport a mother to Ibanda or Fort Portal for emergencies. Beyond, the salaries, urgent steps must be taken to address some of these issues as they have a direct bearing on service delivery.

Even a well-remunerated health worker at a facility that lacks the necessary tools, theatre, gloves, medicines, etc, may find themselves unable to offer effective services.

Paul Mayende Nicodemus,


Call for concepts from University Students

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) in Collaboration with the Leaning Network based at the School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town (UCT) and with support from IDRC invites students in Universities in Uganda to submit concept notes for their research to be conducted within the project “Health System Governance: Community Participation as a key strategy for realising the right to health”.

Center for Health Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) in Collaboration with the Leaning Network based at the School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town (UCT) are undertaking an IDRC supported project which entails research on “Health System Governance: Community Participation as a key strategy for realising the Right to Health”. The overall aim of the project is to develop models for community participation in health that advance health equity and strengthen governance systems for health.

The main objective of the project is to explore the hypothesis that building civil society capacity to participate in health care and in services that provide the social determinants of health using a rights-based approach, in the context of interventions to enhance service responsiveness will help to address inequities in health and promote stronger and more sustainable governance systems for health that give voice to the poorest and most marginalized in developing countries.

We welcome approaches from students to conduct research within the broader aims of the project, and invite you to submit a concept note for a study you would like to conduct under the auspices of the project.

Objectives of the call
This project aims to identify, in two sites, one in South Africa and one in Uganda, opportunities for best practice in utilizing community participation as a vehicle for realizing the health rights. As part of the project, we will be developing and testing training materials targeting primary health committees and structures that act as the voice for communities in relation to the health services. In addition, students will play a key role in documenting, describing and evaluating the processes and effectiveness of different strategies of the project.

Research Topics
The research topics should focus on the challenges regarding the sustainability of community participation strategies; effective participation strategies for the right to health ; enhanced responsiveness and better governance of the health system at local level up to the higher levels and how to build stronger conceptual and advocacy links between human rights approaches to health and health equity.

CEHURD and will collaborate with the Universities to select the students that will qualify to undertake research under the project. These students will typically be doing studies in the areas of Public Health, Human Rights, Social Sciences, Law and related areas. The students should be undertaking their research projects within academic year 2012/2013

Students whose projects are approved under this collaboration will receive a student bursary to support their field costs and field work, as long as the project meets a research objective under the broader project aims.

For any inquiries concerning this call, please send an email to