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Sisters in Death – Women in Kenya profiting from ARVs

In the video below NTV Kenya investigates a story of HIV+ women in various slums in Kenya who profit from ARVs given to them.

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They are the people for whom free anti retroviral treatment was designed; HIV+ women do not have the money to access the medicine they need.  Yet for a group of HIV+ women in various informal settlements in Nairobi, the ARVs they receive do not profit their health, but they do profit from them.  Many unsuspecting Kenyans may be settling down to a drink that they’ve made, using the very same drugs that could save their lives. Here now is NTV’s Jane Ngoiri with a brand new NTV Investigates documentary, on women driven by poverty into a game of chance with their own lives, those of many others. These are the Sisters of Death.

ARVS smuggled to South Africa


While Malawi hospitals are experiencing drug stock outs, some Malawians are smuggling drugs, including ARVs, to South Africa where they sell at informal markets, Malawi News has established.

The findings reveal that business people, mostly women who sell food stuffs like beans, rice, silver fish and groundnuts, sell the drugs secretly at Park Station and Munorurama depot in South Africa.

The drugs include Indocid, Bactrim which is currently not available in public hospitals in Malawi, with ARVs topping the list.

One of the business women confided in Malawi News that they buy the ARVs from private hospitals at K7,000 per bottle. These private hospitals are alleged to have been sourcing the drugs from government hospitals.

“Here in South Africa we sell a bottle of ARVs at R500 (about K18,000) while other drugs like bactrim are sold at R5 (about K180) per tablet. We do this secretly while doing our normal business of selling food stuffs,” she said.

According to another source who has been in this business for over four years, she hides the drugs at very strategic places where no one can notice even if searched.

“I hide the drugs under food warmers, or I pack them in the bags of rice which I also sell in South Africa. Sometimes I pack them in an envelope as if it’s a parcel for someone, or sometimes I would hide them in my top (wind breaker)” she explained.

Asked why she is still doing the illegal business which might put her in trouble one day, our source said: “Apart from monetary gains which I benefit from the business, I am doing this to save lives of my fellow Malawians who are afraid to have access to medical attention at South African hospitals for fear of being deported once discovered that they do not have permits.”

Pharmacy medicines and poisons board confirmed that some business people smuggle the drugs but said they are usually caught.

Acting registrar Aaron Sosola attributed the tendency to lenient sentences that are meted to the culprits once taken to court.

“Our inspectors have been arresting such people the only challenge is that the penalties are very lenient. We have even trained MRA officers on our borders and sometimes they tell us when they have caught the culplrits.

“Drugs like ARVs and bactrim are prescriptions only and for one to sell them they need to have a licence after we inspect their premises,” Sosola said.

In a separate interview, some Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) officers who work at Mwanza border said that some business women hide the drugs in their under wears, while some hide them in their hand bags.

“These cases have always been there only that all the cases are reported to the regional offices through a situation report. So if you talk to the officials at the regional office, they will assist you with the information,” said one officer.

The officer further explained that on a weekly basis, at least five cases are recorded among the passengers who pass the border through buses adding that some drugs are smuggled through trucks.

Ministry of health spokesperson Henry Chimbali said he could not rule out the misuse of some drugs and other HIV supplies.

“We haven’t been informed about these practices but we can’t rule out some sporadic misuse of the drugs and other HIV supplies. For the other drugs, we know they are sometimes smuggled to other countries through many means,” he said.

Police spokesperson Davie Chingwalu said they have not made any arrests on the issue but said they will treat the issue as a tip to bring the culprits to book.

“We have had cases before whereby some people were found with other drugs or ARVs but they had with them prescription letters so there was no way we could have arrested them because they had proof that they were on medication,” Chingwalu said.


Mulago hospital staff to foot own utility bills.

By Maria Wamala

Workers at Kampala-based Mulago hospital will start paying their own utility bills due to a hefty sh7.5billion the hospital has accumulated in unpaid bills, the hospital director has revealed.

The development will affect bills starting with those accumulated by the hospital staff last month.

Other fees are for the staff quarters, medical school, paramedical schools, Nursing training schools, Tutors College, TASO, MUJU and others, which are all in the Mulago vicinity.

Staff at Mulago will start paying for their own utility bills

The hospital’s executive director said the measures are taken to avoid being disconnected since the hospital needs power to cater for the patients.

“We can’t continue diverting money meant to cater for utilities consumed by patients to paying for other things. It is not sustainable,” he said.

According to the director, national water and electricity providers, NWSC and Umeme, respectively, will each install individual meters for the consumers [staff] and remove them from the main meter of the hospital.

The move will ensure that staff quarters do not get free water and electricity as has been in the past.

“Every year we get bills totaling to sh3billion for both water and electricity,” Byarugaba said.

“So we have contacted Umeme and National Water and Sewerage Corporation [NWSC] to come and separate the meters so that each of the units pay their utility bills.”

Since July this year, the staff quarters have been disconnected from electricity supply.

Byarugaba claimed that the past leadership has been accumulating the unsettled arrears. He said ministry of education and sports in charge of the paramedical schools should pay for the training facilities.

He observed said that some medical staff have been misusing the utilities by running side businesses like bakeries and bars on the electricity meant for hospital consumption.

“Cutting them off and leaving them to meet their own costs is the only way we can solve the problem,” he believes.

Rwanda: Registration of Intellectual Property Still Low


Over 1,800 Rwandan inventors have registered for intellectual property protection in the country between 2010 and 2012 since the regulation was enacted in 2008, the Rwanda Development Board (RDB), Registrar General, Louise Kanyonga, announced yesterday.

She was speaking at yesterday’s opening of an intellectual property workshop organised by the Africa Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO) in partnership with RDB in Kigali.

Kanyonga urged more citizens to register their innovations to have their property protected by the government.

“If you look at the trend since 2008 when we started to register (innovations), there is an increase in the number of people, but most of them register trademarks and copyrights but not the modern ones like patents, utility models, and even geographical models that we are discussing today,” she explained.

She cited lack of public awareness as one of the challenges, noting that many people believe that intellectual property is complicated and only belongs to big companies and Western nations.

“All of us are capable of coming up with an original idea,” she said. “Another challenge is changing people’s perception in order to allow us to protect them,”

She said RDB is working closely with the Ministry of Trade and Industry to develop a clear action plan to promote intellectual property in the country.

Themed “Sub-Regional Workshop on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) arising for the Use of Genetic Resources”, the workshop also aimed at sharing expertise in this field with focus on the benefits arising from the utilisation of genetic resources in a fair and equitable way taking into account all rights.

The workshop has attracted participants from Burundi, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, Rwanda and Sudan.

Rwanda became a signatory to the Nagoya Protocol that aims to protect genetic resources and a country’s knowledge.

Earlier, in her opening remarks, Kanyonga explained that it was necessary to regulate access to shared genetic resources and ensure a fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization.

“This workshop presents a great opportunity for us as member states to discuss issues of mutual interest within the region. No matter how much we do at the national level, whether it is research or development, it is never enough,” she stated.

“In a spirit of true cooperation, we in this region of the world must join in an action-oriented effort to solve the sometimes complex issues around the use of Genetic Resources.”

Emmanuel Sackey, ARIPO’s Senior Chief Examiner, noted that Rwanda is strategically placed in terms of resources and well placed to enforce intellectual property protection. He added that Africa as a continent has a lot of potential in the Intellectual property domain, hence the need for it to do more.

He appealed to the government to join the Banjul Protocol, which he said has few members, to deals in the registration of trademarks and service marks.

ARIPO is an African-based organisation established to pool resources from within member countries to avoid duplication of financial and human resources. It has a total of 18 member states.


Press Release

For Immediate Release

Mr. Anand Grover-Special Rappoteur on health meets civil society organisations over challenges on access to medicines in Uganda. 

Kampala, – On Tuesday, 14th August, 2012 the Special Rappoteur on Health Mr. Anand Grover will meet civil society organizations working on issues of access to medicines in Uganda.

The meeting convened by the Center for Health, Human Rights and Development under the umbrella of the Uganda Coalition on Access to medicines will discuss current challenges on access to medicines, ways to overcome them and good practices in improving access to medicines for all.

In its resolution 17/14, the Human Rights Council mandated the Special Rapporteur to prepare a study on existing challenges with regard to access to medicines in the context of the right to health, ways to overcome them and good practices. In preparation of the study, the Special Rapporteur is undertaking consultations with States Members of the United Nations, United Nations agencies and programmes, international and non-governmental organizations, and relevant stakeholders, with a view to harvesting relevant comments, insights and experiences, which will collectively inform the forthcoming report of the Special Rapporteur.

In this context, the study on access to medicines and the right to health will explore existing challenges to access to medicines in the context of the right to health, ways to overcome them and good practices to promote access to medicines that are affordable, safe, effective and of good quality. The Special Rapporteur will also consider such substantive issues as pricing, procurement, distribution, rational use and domestic production of medicines, as well as cross-cutting matters of transparency and participation.

On his previous Visit to Uganda, the Special rappoteur made recommendations to government to put in place a human rights desk at the Ministry of health and a Right to Health Unit and this was done at the Ministry of Health and Uganda Human rights Commission to address health rights violations, he also asked government to address Civil society demands in the Anti- Counterfeit Bill of 2009, this too was done among other recommendations.

“The challenges of access to medicines in Uganda are numerous; they include drug stock outs, health worker shortage, poor health financing, corruption, poorly drafted intellectual property laws, poor quality and substandard medicines, stigmatizing of patients by health workers, negligence and absenteeism by health workers among others. The visit of the Special rappoteur offers us a rare opportunity to elevate our voices to the international level which the government pays more attention to. We look forward to a fruitful discussion with the rappoteur” notes Moses Mulumba, Director for CEHURD.

For details contact: Primah Kwagala, Programme Officer, Center for Health, Human Rights                                and Development [CEHURD],  /