Minister asked to issue directive on water disconnections in public health facilities.

20th February, 2015

Press release

For immediate release

Kampala –Uganda – The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) has petitioned the Uganda Human rights Commission to initiate an investigation of human rights violations that occur as result of disconnection of water supply to public health facilities by National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC).

CEHURD in addition has appealed to the minister of water and Environment to invoke his powers as provided for under the Water Act to ISSUE an URGENT directive to prohibit water disconnection in public health institutions.

In the recent past, there have been frequent news reports of Mulago National referral Hospital being disconnected from water supply, Kiboga Hospital, Kawolo District hospital and most recently Bududa Hospital (See Newvision, Thursday 19th February, 2015 at Page 35 – Water Crisis Hits Bududa Hospital). The Lack of water in these health facilities has led to sanitation disease outbreaks including diarrhoea, dysentery to mention but a few.
“The right to water like other human rights creates a number of obligations on government and its agent’s m including obligations to protect respect and fulfill this human right.” Mr. Mulumba says. “The disconnection of water supply in public health institutions demonstrates the government’s failure to restrain third parties like NWSC from violating rights of its citizens of Uganda and thereby violating human rights such as rights to access water, right to health enshrined in Articles 8A, 45 and objectives XIV (b) and XX of the Constitution”, Moses Mulumba the Executive Director of CEHURD notes.

Relatedly Nyamiringa Health Centre II in Kiboga District is in dire state. “The maternity ward at this health facility cannot operate because of lack of water. Women keep trekking long distances in search for proper delivery services. Extra costs are incurred to transport expectant mothers to Hoima regional referral Hospital for the service” , Steven Maisho, HUMC Member, Nyamiringa.

In November 2002, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights adopted General Comment No. 15 on the right to water. In its Article I.1, the committee notes that the human right to water is indispensable for leading a life in human dignity and a prerequisite for the realization of other human rights.

For more information contact, or call 0414 532283, 0702977730, 0702245536

Employment Opportunities

  1. Job Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Department/Group: Programmes
Reports to: Programmes Coordinator
Direct Reportees: All Programme Staff

Job Purpose: To develop and implement an M&E systems in CEHURD focused on data collection, analysis and reporting to ensure synergy in all programmes. The M&E Officer will be responsible for all the data collection, analysis, and learning activities to help ensure accountability and efficiency from start to finish for all programs and projects, both new and already established.

Key Responsibilities:
a) Programme development and implementation

  1. Work within the M&E guidelines and develop strategies for better monitoring of projects in CEHURD.
  2. Work with program managers to develop systematic and realistic monitoring plans that capture quantitative and qualitative data to report on project performance indicators.
  3. Coordinate the implementation of baseline surveys, follow‐on monitoring and evaluation exercises for various initiatives and projects in CEHURD.
  4. Build capacity of CEHURD staff, local communities and partners on the logical framework, data management, ALPS, data analysis and results‐oriented programming, monitoring and evaluation methods and principles and report writing techniques and requirements for relevant donors to ensure compliance.
  5. Develop program and operational reporting templates that facilitate the acquisition and aggregation of information in programs.

Details of the Job Description and qualifications can be accessed here>>>

2. Job Title: Policy Analyst

Department/Group: Programmes
Reports to: Programmes Coordinator
Direct Reportees: All Programme Staff

Job Purpose: The Policy Analyst will be responsible for evaluating, analyzing, researching and developing health care service, policies and programs in relation to the Advocacy for Better Health Project. Key Responsibilities:
a) Programme development and implementation

  1. Provide the project with robust health policy analysis in the country for better health of the project target groups.
  2. Document a health policy map out and identification of action areas for advocacy and develop strategies for engaging the health decision makers in the country
  3. Generate and inform campaigns at the national level for advocating for better health choices in line with CEHURD’s strategic plan.
  4. Work with Programme managers in CEHURD to engage those in charge of setting health policies to implement the solutions reached via research. This will include but not limited to preparing Policy or Research briefs, reports, testimonies for public hearings, presentations and petitions on health policies.

Details of the Job Description for policy analyst can be accessed here>>>

Application Submission Guidelines

 If you believe you are the ideal candicate for any of these posts, please submit your Curriculum Vitae, Copies of you academic documents and a cover letter in a sealed envelope, clearly indicating the position applied for on the “top left-hand side of the envelope” to:

The Executive Director

Center for Health, Human Rights and Development

Plot 833, Old Kiira Road, Ntinda

P.O. Box 16617, Wandegeya

Kampala – Uganda, OR

Email your application to: clearly indicating the position applied for in the subject line of the email.

The closing date for the receipt of applications is 26th February 2015 by 5:00pm

Civil Society Appeals for an Extension on Standards for Intellectual Property Rights on Medicines

Uganda –Kampala —Civil society Organizations working on health and access to medicines have today appealed to His Excellence Ambassador Christopher Onyanga Aparr the Permanent Representative to the Permanent Mission of Uganda to the United Nations in Geneva to lead Least developed County (LDC) members of the World Trade Organization (WTO), to act collectively to submit a duly motivated request to the Council on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) for an indefinite extension of the soon-to-lapse pharmaceutical transition period at the upcoming TRIPS Council meeting on 24th February, 2015.

According to a 2002 WTO TRIPS Council decision, member countries of the WTO considered to be least developed are exempted from enforcing patents and data protections on Pharmaceutical products for until 1st January 2016.

Intellectual properties such as patents raise the costs of medicines because patent holders can eliminate competition which would otherwise lead to cheaper prices. Global studies, including the MSF, Untangling the Web of Antiretroviral Prices routinely show that generic medicines are almost always priced lower than even the discounted prices drug companies sometimes offer to lower-income countries like Uganda.

In a letter dated 16th February, 2014 civil society groups recalled Article 66.1 of the TRIPS Agreement which provides to the effect that the Council for TRIPS “shall, upon duly motivated request by a least-developed country Member, accord extensions”.

In this appeal, the groups are of the view that the extension of the transition period be for as long as an LDC Member State remains a LDC, without conditions, and that it should further motivate waivers of Articles 70.8 and 70.9 to the General Council, also for as long as an LDC Member State remains an LDC. The detailed letter can be accessed here>>

Access to information, Why it should matter for Communities.

Today information about the global community is continuously becoming more available yet the space to access information supposedly closer to us and about issues that affect us more directly becomes narrower and narrower. But just to what extent is one entitled to know about activities that go on in their backyard that significantly impact their livelihood when they have no proprietary rights in said activities. Human lives and health are significantly affected by the nature of their environment and the activities that are carried out in their environments and the government has through the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) set up measures to ensure that the environment is not affected by any activities including by requiring impact assessments before such activities are carried out.

Read More Access to information, Why it should matter for Communities.

Intangible Cultural Assets of the Framework Convention on Global Health

By Adaora Ezike, MHS Candidate, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health:

fcghApproaching 2015, the global community awaits the results which will reveal whether priority countries achieved their Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets. Global health monitoring bodies such as the World Health Organization, advocate for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) as the primary focus of post-2015 sustainable development goals (UNESCO 2012). The Framework Convention on Global Health (FCGH) would create a template for a legally binding global health treaty rooted in the right to health.

Although costly to rollout, the framework convention would be advantageous for advancing and achieving health justice; it could do this by countering intellectual property laws that reduce access to essential medicines, reforming environmental health policies that currently protect the drivers of environmental pollution and by increasing financial transparency of health sector budgets.

Universal health coverage would also be beneficial in leveraging public health efforts to improve availability, accessibility and acceptability of health services and interventions on the population-level. Furthermore, establishing a legal obligation for the government to provide a standard quality of care and coverage could increase overall health efficacy of communities and health seeking behaviors of individuals.READ FULL BLOG