CEHURD’s Institutional Objectives

  1. To build local, national and regional awareness and institutionalize and mainstream health and human rights.
  2. To promote equitable access to health services and goods.
  3. To address the underlying determinants to the right to health.
  4. To maintain a strong, vibrant and sustainable Centre of Excellence on Health and Human Rights in Uganda, Africa and Internationally.



Promote sustainable access to justice in health and human rights in Uganda.


Position health and human rights as a key strategy for sustainable development in Uganda, Regionally and Globally.


Enhance institutional and programmatic growth through knowledge management.


Build community capacities and agency on health and human rights.


Strengthen CEHURD’s institutional capacity, financial independence and operational efficiency to deliver on its mandate.



We will not discriminate on the following basis race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, tribe, ethnic origin, marital status, disability, political affiliation or opinion, and social or economic standing.


We are required to respect the privacy of our clients and do not divulge information of our clients to the public. We are to use the information for the purpose of solving their problems. Where we wish to make use of such information other than for our internal purposes, the consent of the client is required.


We expect our staff to perform with integrity and the highest standards of professional responsibility. We expect all staff to work with integrity, to work as a team, to take initiative, to be creative, and to be well-organized and responsible and to meet the demands of our work. We will treat everyone with respect.


We will realize our obligations and responsibilities set out in our mission, the projects we endeavour, and in the needs of our clients.


We will demonstrate the funding that has been generously entrusted to us to fulfill our mission be used wisely, responsible, and most importantly information concerning all funding will be available to the public.


We aspire to treat the people with whom we work as social agents rather than as merely victims requiring a service. Our interventions should raise our clients’ knowledge, capacity, and confidence to stand up for themselves and to solve health rights violations using the appropriate and available mechanisms.