CEHURD (Center for Health, Human Rights and Development) invites journalists to apply for a media training and mentoring programme to report on sexual, reproductive health and human rights issues in Uganda. The program is aimed at mentoring and building capacity for Ugandan journalists to report on issues concerning Sexual, reproductive health and human rights.

According to the Preliminary Uganda Demographic Health Survey 2011, the maternal mortality ratio in Uganda stands at 438 for every 100,000 live births. Indeed, the Millennium development Goals Report issued by the Ministry of finance indicated that 16 women die of preventable maternal health causes in Uganda on a daily basis and 4-5 of these are due to unsafe abortion. This makes up for up-to 6,000 mothers every year! This is a situation unacceptable because these deaths are preventable and are an abuse of human rights.

Against this background, the Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) within the Coalition to stop maternal mortality due to unsafe abortion (CSMMUA) will embark on training holding the media from Thursday 1st August to Saturday 3rd August 2013. Find full application

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