As a way to be responsive to the ever-changing operational terrain, we have since our founding in 2010 invested ourselves into carving out a sustained voice on a cross range of issues under the wider scope of health and human rights. CEHURD has further grounded itself as a key field leader in advocating on the right to health in Uganda, Africa and internationally, using its well-researched evidence-based on pertinent health issues. Our advocacy aims for an enabling legal and policy environment that guarantees the right to health complimented by major shifts in social norms, practices and customs. We work towards engaging on laws, policies, norms and practices that undermine health rights and gender justice. This is done through analyzing laws and policies to identify gaps and design advocacy actions for effective response and remedy.

Through this programme, CEHURD is keen to build and strengthen strategic partnerships that enhance the realisation, respect and protection of the health rights and SRHR. Therefore, partnerships are sustained with key government MDAs like: Parliament, Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES), Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED), Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development, Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC), Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council (UMDPC), The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Uganda Police Force (UPF), JLOS institutions; national networks, alliances and NGOs as well as other key stakeholders.

As CSOs, we are cognizant of the fact that civic space for engagement is narrowing at national Pan African and international levels. We are also cognizant that in Africa, we need stronger organizations and movements that are able to organize differently as a way to engage with the ever-changing operating context, rise of right-wing fundamentalisms, shifting power dynamics and the push-back.

CEHURD is committed to continue providing leadership and hosting secretariat for Coalitions such as: Coalition to Stop Maternal Mortality and Morbidity due to Unsafe Abortion in Uganda (CSMMUA), Coalition to Stop Maternal Mortality and Morbidity in Uganda – Petition 16 and Health Law Cluster of the Uganda Law Society. The organization is also intentional in building, nurturing and sustaining a sexual and reproductive health and rights movement in Uganda.

In addition, other relevant advocacy platforms at the regional and international levels will be pursued as well as joint advocacy agenda identified, elaborated and supported in solidarity with the regional and international strategic partners.

This programme thus, feeds into CEHURD’s strategic plan objective 2, positioning health and human rights as a key strategy for sustainable development in Uganda, Regionally and Globally. The goal is to realise enhanced policies, laws, social norms and practices for the realization of health and human rights.